Tine Flies is the name of one of my best friends’ blog, but also the state of my life right now. The non-posting this past week is a result of this. Work has been extremely busy these past two weeks with several deadlines and lots of reviewing of reports and other products (both my own products being reviewed and I reviewing other people’s work). I am now also trying to catch up on school which has fallen behind in the process (I have an assignment that is due next week). And I had a friend from NYC visiting Thursday – Sunday, which was a welcomed break in all the stress but didn’t leave time for anything else than socializing. We spent the weekend walking, biking, and visiting museums, and went out to new places where I hadn’t been before in the evenings. So a really good weekend! In little over a week I am off to Europe again for work – a least it doesn’t get dull!
Being an economist, I can’t really decide what was most fascinating to see: the first space shuttles and moon landers at the Air and Space Museum or the Rai stone, the enormous money they use on the island of Yap in Micronesia (the Natural History Museum).
Hihi, ja tiden flyger, men jag tycker du hinner klämma in rätt mycket ändå 🙂 när jag läser om ditt besök så blir jag så sugen på att åka till DC och hälsa på dig snart!!
Jaaa, kom hit!!!! Skulle vara så otroligt mysigt!!! April kanske?? 🙂