Travelling with Jessica Summer 2008

Back in Romania


Written on August 25, 2008


I am now in Bucharest for the first time in my life. It is true! I haven’t gotten around to go here during my two years in Moldova. I know it is a bit embarrassing but at least I am here now. My trip here was nice. I took the night train and this time I had very pleasant company in my compartment. A Moldovan girl who had gone to university in Bucharest and who was now looking for a job there (her sister was also living there since many years), and a Romanian guy who had visited friends in Chisinau. He on the other hand was working on and off in Italy, but was now considering investing his money in a small business in Romania. I.e., they were both quite typical for this part of Europe and we had some interesting discussions.


Even though I have never been here, Bucharest does not seem foreign to me. I think that it is the language that makes everything feel like home. Being able to understand what people say around you really makes a difference. Besides, Chisinau is home for me now, and this is the language that people speak in my home-town. Bucharest is also a very European city and everything seems very familiar.


Later today, Jessica will arrive from Stockholm. We will travel around in Romania for almost a week and then go to Chisinau for a few days before she goes back to Stockholm.

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