I have this feeling right now that my life is kind of out of balance. Or I have felt like this for quite some time actually. That I am always a little behind on things. That I don’t do all the things that I would like to when it comes to experiences, creativity, or my social agenda. That my wardrobe doesn’t look as professional as it should and that my clothes are a little too worn out. That I am always falling behind on laundry and often (like right now) on cleaning. And because of my studies and the fact that I prioritized a lazy Sunday at Cafe Madeleine in Georgetown, I didn’t had the chance to properly shop groceries for the week, and hence now that I need to use the 3 hours of free time that I have every evening for studying, my fridge is empty and I live on crisp bread with creme cheese and tea. Alternatively (and even worse), I pick up something for dinner from CVS (a convenience store with almost solely processed food) on my way home. I haven’t exercised in over a week and anyway, it never feels like I really get into a good exercising routine. And at the same time, I should really spend a little more time on my work in this period. This imbalance is probably due to bad planning and the lack of proper preparation for the coming week during the weekend, and my goal for this spring is to be better at keeping routines. (After I have turned in my assignment on Monday, that is.) But right now, I wouldn’t mind having a personal assistant! Does anyone else ever feel like this? Any advice on how to get things in balance?
Eh, JA, jag känner precis likadant, skulle också behöva en personlig assistent… 😉
Hi hi! Ja jag tänkte faktiskt när jag skrev inlägget att är det någon som kommer att känna igen sig i det här så är det nog Mia-Lotta!