After Skopje, our next stop was Podgorica, and I and one of my colleagues on the team decided to drive there. Partly because I like going by car or train better than flying and I think that we all have a responsibility to help cutting greenhouse emissions by staying on the ground if possible (and yes, I am aware of that I belong to the worst emitters on this planet with all my travelling), but also because I wanted to see more of the countries and the landscape. So we drove from through Kosovo to Podgorica. Kosovo was quite different from what I had expected. I did not get to see Pristina, but the country side was beautiful and full of cultivated land. There were also a lot of traces from the war, with demolished houses and burned churches; I guess at the end, most of the Serbs were forced to leave and never came back. As for the majority of the villages that we passed, most of the house had new roofs since apparently, the Serbs burned the Albanian villages before the war turned. What does not show are all the landmines that are still buried all over both Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.
When travelling through the region, and with the pictures that I have seen from Croatia, I can better understand the desperation that some people must have felt when seeing the grand “country”, that former Yugoslavia was, falling apart. Because it is really an amazing region, with its history, diversity, and spectacular nature! Driving through Montenegro was also fantastic, with its mountains and canyons. I can really recommend visiting this newest of European countries, along with the rest of the region.