I am now on my way back to Washington after two and a half day in Edinburgh. Or barely two and a half day. Although the way back from Jura went super smoothly, we didn’t arrive in Edinburgh until Saturday afternoon. So after cleaning up a bit (we got a deal at the Sheraton through some site, so the room was very comfy), we went for a walk around the new town and sat down for dinner at an outdoor terrace of a pub on Rose Street. The weather had cleared up compared to previous days and it finally felt like spring was in the air. (Some of the trees in Princes Street Gardens actually started blossoming while we were there.)
The next day, we did what I normally do when I have little time in a city, namely took a sightseeing bus around town and picked one must-see attraction. The hotel concierge recommended Edinburgh tours (green buses) because they have live guides instead of audio guides, and although I don’t have anything to compare with in Edinburgh, it’s definitely the best guided tour I have had in years. As for the must-see attraction, we decided to visit Edinburgh Castle, where we also got a guided tour. After a late lunch on the Grassmarket, we decided to split up for a while and I headed down the Royal Mile to the Queen’s Palace, where, more interestingly, Mary Queen of Scots had spent her short reign, but I ended up not going inside as the tour included so much more than just her apartments. (Admittedly, my history intake quote was kind of filled for the day.) Instead, I ended up walking around the city and picked up a Scottish wool shawl. Our dinner that night was our only disappointing meal and ambiance during the entire trip, but we compensated it this morning by having breakfast at the Red Squirrel close to our hotel. Fantastically cosy environment, friendly and welcoming staff, and great food. A perfect ending of a perfect trip!
The cemetary is where Adam Smith is buried – couldn’t pass by without going in. The restaurant pics are from The Red Squirrel.