No, I haven’t watch too much Martha Stewart. Or TV Shop, where one little tool lets you prepare “healthy and delicious dishes” in a matter of seconds! I just thought I’d make an attempt to cut down on processed food. Mainly out of concern for the environment but also to increase the quality of what I eat. My mom used to make apple sauce and and blue berry and strawberry jams from home-picked fruits and berries when I was a kid, and so I wrote to her to ask for advice. From a more recent apple-sauce cooking session, I vaguely recalled that we actually didn’t peel the apples before cooking them, but my mom explained to me that that was the charm of having a kitchen aid. Which I don’t of course! So I had to peel the apples myself, but it was really worth it! The sauce (which was super easy to make though it never got truly saucy) tastes great and will be great to my kefir tomorrow morning. I can add that my apples were not home picked. I go them at Whole Food (an organic supermarket chain), but I guess that’s urban life… And one has to start somewhere!
Peeling apples… And the not so saucy but oh so delicious apple sauce!
Det ser verkligen gott ut – vi får nog plantera några fler fruktträd på Blidö. Jag har nästan glömt hur trevligt det är att göra egen sylt och kompott.Mamma
Det blev jattegot sa tack sa mycket for receptet! Och ja, frukttrad ar alltid trevligt!