Like I wrote below, it’s been crazy hot here this summer. For weeks, it’s been over 35 degrees Celsius (whatever that is in Farenheight but it’s over 90), and for a few days it was 40 C (around 100 F). It was hot even for me, and though I normally hate AC, I had to take the bus a couple of times (which has AC) because it was too hot to walk. Fortunately, Tesse, Eva-Marie and Julia are Swedish and Swedes don’t complain about warm weather. It is a cultural taboo due to the long winters and the little sunlight we have for so many months. Both Julia and Eva-Marie love the sun to the extent that we were sitting out in the sun and not in the shade even during lunch, and we would always walk on the sunny side of the street. I guess the vitamin D deficiency that I had earlier this year should be alright now. But today, the temperature all of a sudden dropped to 27 Centigrade (81 F) and I actually had to wear a sweater because it felt so cold!