My House 2
I just moved in to my new apartment. Or at least if bringing two suitcases and a backpack from the inn I stayed at three blocks away can be defined as moving in. It is a light one-bedroom apartment close to Dupont Circle, on 16th and Q more or less. It’s a nice neighbourhood with lots of restaurants and cafes, and 20 minutes walk to my work, which is perfect. And yes, it is very “Stuff White People Like” (a lot like Birkastan for all my Swedish friends), but at least I will fit right in!
I will for sure miss my little house in Moldova though. When I first posted some pictures from my little courtyard, I implied that there would be a follow-up. When I was packing last Sunday, I finally got around to take some pictures from the inside and here it is.
The diningroom (and enterance)
The kitchen had not been rennovated for a while, and a had some cool details from the
Soviet era, like the radio.
The Sofa, which was one of the few acailable in the Soviet Union. Easy to make into
a bed but terribly uncomfortable. Liliana has the same in her place, and I even saw one in
one of the hotels we stayed at this summer.
It is not so easy to find furnitures in Moldova, and so I never managed to
find a bookcase…
The bedroom was kind of a nisch in the livingroom.
The pretty, pretty street Veronica Micle
The theater, Teatrul Luceafarul, right next to our courtyard
Moldovan style theater prosters
The best thing with it was the location and all my great neighbours, with actors, artists and journalists in all the houses, and with their kids running in the little alley in the evenings. It was really a home! I hope my new apartment here will feel the same eventually. As soon as I get some furniture, I will post pictures.
Ser ut att ha varit jättemysigt, men jag är säker på att du kommer få det lika fint i din nya lägenhet! :)Kram