Earlier today I was listening to "Lantz i P1", a Swedish radio show, over the internet. (Even if I refer to Swedish media a lot here I actually don’t watch or listen to shows that much, only my friend Daniel’s literature show Babel now and then and now recently Annika Lantz’s radio show.) On the show, they discussed the fact that Facebook apparently has forbidden pictures of women breastfeeding their children while they allow pictures of people with black masks and guns. The only comment was: “Facebook is American –right?! There people die at the sight of a nipple!” Annika Lantz also questioned if a breastfeeding woman could wear a black mask and a gun, and in that way kind of out weight the visible breast?
Anyway I would not bring this up here if it wasn’t because I just received and invitation on Facebook (from my male second cousin D.) to join the FB Protest Event Mothers International Lactation Campaign M.I.L.C. – "Because breastfeeding is NOT obscene". So despite seemingly more important issues like armed conflicts, undernourishment among children, and the financial crisis, this seem to have generated quite a movement. And now I am writing about it here. But though I think that weapons have far worse consequences than uncovered female breasts and thus should be banned from public spaces including Facebook, and though I don’t understand this prude, almost phobic view on nudity (there are basically only two versions of the human body), I am not sure why you would ever want to post a picture of you breastfeeding your baby – you are not exactly unique around the world so who else is interested in seeing photos of it?