This week, my mind is already skipping ahead and in packing mood for my summer plans, while my fingers are trying to tap away on the computer keyboard to write everything that has to be finished before I take off. In the meantime, I focus on this:
This week I’m reading:
The Jungle by Sinclair Upton – about the U.S. meatpacking industry in the early 1900s.
This week, I’m listening to:
Freakonomic’s podcast Food + Science = Victory!, on perfecting cooking and how to eat nutritiously.
This week, I’m following with interest:
Instagramer @vincentlemonde, who posts amazing and very personal photos from Southern Africa, and in particular with the Himba tried in Namibia. Personal in the sense that although the people he photographs lead lives that seem lightyears away from mine, his portraits make them seem as if they were my neighbors. He is also publishing a graphic novel about his time there later this summer.
Learning this week:
Spanish on Duolingo for the first leg of my summer vacay!
Food of the week:
Not so much food but tea, as I am trying South Korean Jeju tea bags that my friend brought back from a trip last week. Delicious and in an adorable package!
Cause of the week:
Climate change, or more specifically to keep the U.S, in the Paris Climate Agreement. I just signed this petition. If there are other, please let me know!
This week, these words by Dalai Lama inspire me:
“The planet doesn’t need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.” For more inspiration, do like me and follow Dalai Lama on Twitter @DalaiLama!