I am out of inspiration so I haven’t come up with anything to write about in a few days. However, I (or rather a colleague of mine) found a really funny blog that I wanted to share with you: Stuff Expat Aid Workers Like. It’s a blog about the preferences and ways of workers in the humanitarian aid industry. And yes, it contains some for me highly familiar situations/topics. For example, just the other day, I excused myself from a happy hour after having endured 45 minutes of airport anecdotes from non-tourist destinations around the world… (see post #95) Other funny posts are #89 on photo ops of traditionally dressed locals with new technology, or #88 on Foreign Language T-shirts (let’s not forget my I Love Moldova t-shirt!) The ToonsEAWL from September 9 is also well recognizable for anyone who has ever worked for in an international organization. Check it out! Even if you don’t work in the sector, you will probably find it quite funny. And to all my friends – despite the above, I hope you don’t recognize your truly too much in the posts…