This has been a fairly lazy week. I am actually between contracts right now. My JPO contract expired last Thursday and my new contract got stuck somewhere in the organization and is thus a few days delayed. I have to admit that I am not that sad about it. I only had two weeks of vacation this summer (I know, it is a lot here in the US, but I am a spoiled European who likes to have at least three weeks of summer holiday) and this has been a fairly intensive year for me, so it is nice to have a few days to rest. So I have spent a lot of time reading, sorting things in my apartment, e-mailing and calling people that I haven’t written/been talking to in a while (as for the rest of you, it is a work in progress…), studying, etc. The weather has been cold and rainy this week so I have had a good excuse to stay indoors.
This weekend was warmer, though, and Mikael and I went to Alexandria and had brunch, looked around in a few stores (including the Christmas Attic – the fantastic store with only Christmas and holiday stuff), and took the boat back to Georgetown again. It was a very nice day!
Alexandria: brunch in the harbor
On the boat back to Georgetown