Instead of getting a personal assistant (like I wished for a few weeks ago), I made an effort to structure my spare time a little better. There is quite a lot that needs to be squeezed in: reading and assignments for my Food Policy MSc, Romanian studies, physical exercise, some singing, and of course relax and hanging-out-with-friends time. But with a bit of puzzling, I managed to fit it all in and still have plenty of time for other things. I also made a list of things that I need to get done in the weekends in order to not have too much logistics to take care of in the weeks and to not let things fall behind too much. Normal people probably do things like cleaning, laundry, shopping, and administrative stuff in the weekends, but I tend to block these things out until they are impossible to ignore. (George in Seinfeld dreamed of having 365 pairs of underwear so that he only had to do laundry once a year, and I though it was a really appealing idea!) But hopefully, having this list to tick off on my fridge will remind me of what should be done over the weekend in order for the weeks to be less stressful. And maybe one day, this will all be a habit for me like it is for normal people, and I won’t need lists anymore. Or maybe that is just a dream? Well, at least this is a start…
Nu kanske det är synd att kalla mig “normal”, men jag skjuter också gärna upp tvätt och städning tills situationen blir ohållbar… 🙂 Borde också prova listsystemet. Eller skaffa en personlig assistent…
Ja, jag vet inte varför det blir så, men kanske för att det finns så mycket annat som lockar och tar upp tid. Eller kanske bara ren lathet?? PA är nog mer effektivt men listan är lite mer lågbudget. Jag håller dig uppdaterad om hur den funkar!