The weekend is here and I am enjoying it in full! For once, I don’t have any work hanging over me and the weather is wonderful. Today has been slow, with brunch at Trio and reading in combination with chatting over Skype with Mia-Lotta at Dupont Circle, and then ice coffee and more reading at a café. Tomorrow morning, I’ll be singing with the Swedish Song Group in the Swedish church, and then there is ballet class. I have to add that the odd thing about the Swedish Song Group performance is that we will sing a drinking song. The song is by our national poet and composer, 18th century Carl Michael Bellman, but still… (För er svenska läsare är det Bort allt vad oro gör.)
My main remaining deliverable at work before the end of June is a set of notes on nutrition-sensitive agriculture, which is a topic that I read about in my spare time anyway. So even though I don’t have to work, I have read up on things to for work also in the weekend just because it is so interesting. While browsing around for research and reports on biodiversity and nutrition content in food crops yesterday, I came across this FAO produced movie for the report Save and Grow. It’s only a few minutes long but it captures well how global food yields were revolutionized in the middle of the 20th century and some of the challenges that we’re facing over the next decades. How do we solve it? Well, we don’t have a very good answer yet, but I am trying to do my part in figuring it out.