More Photos Published

There are two reasons why I want to learn to take good photos: one is because I want to capture what I see when I travel so that I can keep the moment and relive the experience also when I come home. The other is that I want to tell a story with my photos so that others canb see what I see, and I am therefore very proud when my photos are picked for illustrations for public websites. Like for this website a few weeks ago, where they published a few photos of coffee, tea, and farmers, that I took in Rwanda and Malawi. Admittedly, they aren’t great but I am still very proud!

And in case anyone missed it, here is a link to a page where one of my photos were published earlier this year. I definitely have to work more on taking pictures; luckily more trips are coming up soon!

Another Photo Class

As I wrote some time back, one of my goals this year was to learn to take better pictures. It’s not because I necessarily want to be a good photographer, but because I see so much when I travel and meet so many interesting people on my trips, and I want to capture my experiences in a way that makes them justice. So earlier this year, I signed up for an introductory photography class, and this evening, I’m doing the next level of the course: Flash Photography. Hopefully, little by little, the photos on this blog are of higher quality!

Canon G15


As I wrote in a few posts back, my year got off to a good start in terms of ticking off the goals I set for this year. I signed up for Russian classes and went to Florida for a weekend in January, which took care of two of my bubbles on the 2014 mind map. Another one of my goals for this year is to improve my photography. As I think I wrote earlier, I recently bought a Canon G15, which my photographer friend, Anna Thorbjörnsson recommended me to start with and which has more functions than a compact camera without being too complicated. I used a similar camera when I was in Central Asia last year and although there is still much to wish for in the quality of my pictures, I recently submitted a few to two photo competitions at my work. And believe it or not but one of my photos was actually selected as one of four to be displayed at a conference on urban inclusion this week! It actually turned out quite well when they enlarged it into a poster. A good motivation for me to work more on my photography! Here is the original, from a market in Osh, Kyrgyzstan.

Market OshI’m especially happy that this photo was selected given my believe in integrating rural with urban. Food markets are a good example of where rural and urban meet. Here, both are mutually dependent: the rural inhabitants need food markets for economic opportunities and the urban inhabitants need the food markets to maintain good health and high quality of life. Well-designed cities can ensure the interest of both.